Thursday 25 July 2013

Part one - Basic shapes and fundamental form

Project: Basic shapes and fundamental form

Exercise - Boxes and books

 Exercise - Jars and jugs

Exercise - Supermarket shop

Check and log

  • Are the objects in your drawings the correct size and shape in relation to each other?
I think on the whole they are the correct size and shape, but the squash bottle is a bit too small in all of the Jars and jugs pictures. I also found the Quality Street tin quite a difficult shape to draw, so I think that is a bit wrong as well.
  • Do the shapes between the objects look correct?
Yes, where I had problems I think was where the object met with open space, so there was not another object to help with the spacing.
  • Do the objects in your drawings look solid?
In the coloured picture I think the objects look most solid, but the absence of tone in the other pictures makes them look transparent.
  • Have you managed to create the feeling of depth in your drawings?
The size difference and distance between the objects creates depth, and in the supermarket shop photos the colour and light tone help to create a three dimensional look.

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