Thursday 25 July 2013

Part one - Using texture

Project: Using texture

Exercise - Experimenting with texture

Exercise - A drawing with textures

Drawing 1 - Rocks and seaweed


Preliminary sketches

Finished drawing

Drawing 2 - Rocks


Finished drawing

Check and log

  • Have you discovered any new ways of using your drawing tools to depict surface and texture?
I used the techniques from the first project to experiment. I found using the pencil almost flat very useful for making texture. It was also interesting to see how the sharpness of the pencil helped with texture, as a worn tip was much more grainy than a sharpened tip.
  • How successful were you at implying form with little or no tonal hatching?
I found that it was much harder to imply form without using any hatching at all, but a small amount of hatching was still able to show form quite effectively.
  • What are your impressions of frottage as a drawing technique?

I thought the effects were very cool and would be interesting for backgrounds or larger pieces. I'm not sure if I would use it to make a small texture drawing because the effects are not very reliable on small areas.

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